The last month has been nothing short of complete hell. At the risk of sounding melodramatic I think it has been the hardest month of my life. Keith returned from Brazil happy that he went, but recently he has become more sick and more tired with new issues with his heart so that's all been quite hard and very horrible. Plus his hair is falling out as it did during the chemo and that sucks, but at least as he put it he'll "start looking ill again" (not looking ill can confuse people; looking ill saves a lot of explanatory time and effort).
I am quite honestly utterly terrified about what lies in store for us now. It is almost beyond comprehension, so I am going to avoid comprehending it at this moment, I've a 24 hour flight coming up in which I've more than enough free time to attempt to comprehend quite what the hell we're going to do. Feeling physically and mentally broken doesn't help (a Qantas gin and tonic might though).
Two things for you Sydney: 1) thank you for the fricking awesomeness - to a (wo)man you are extraordinary. 2) I am only a 24 hour flight away: if you are going to be throwing any good parties be sure to give me enough warning.
One thing for you Edinburgh: I hope you're ready for an adventure because goodness knows you are going to get one.
Here are some pictures from the last two years. See you from the northern hemisphere.

Peace out friends XXXXXX
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